What’s Happening?
Court Reporting & Captioning Week 2023
Give Back Your Time/Talent as We Preserve History Together.
Sunday 2/5/23 @ 2pm via Zoom
Let’s POP (Promoting Our Profession) through Service for CRCW2023 and Black History Month on Sunday, February 5, 2023 @ 2pm ET.
WHO: Please Join us, the POP team and NCRF, during CRCW2023.
WHAT: Give Back Your Time/Talent as We Help Preserve History together again. We preserved history last February 2022 and also at the NCRA Conference 2022 in Orlando.
WHEN: Sunday, February 5, 2023 @ 2p.m. to 4p.m. ET during Court Reporting & Captioning Week!
WHERE: Via Zoom. Hosted by POP (Promoting Our Profession) Court Reporting team (Margary Rogers, Juanita Price and Mekeilah McChriston) and the Washington, D.C. Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture Transcription Center.
HOW: Sign up here
WHY: We had so much fun, as a collaborative group, deciphering written letters (in cursive) from freed slaves as we transcribed them into a readable form (some of us using our steno machines) in an effort to preserve history for all the world. This is a great way to promote our profession. We even learned new vocabulary, geography and some brief forms.
Trust me, it is a great experience.
This Transcribe-A-Thon event is open to all.

Hope to see you there.
We are hoping for 100+ Court Reporter and Court Reporter Student participants. So, please sign up below and participate.
Margary Rogers, RPR, CRI
President of Maryland Court Reporters Association
Creator of the POP(Promoting Our Profession) Initiative/Movement
This Transcribe-A-Thon is endorsed by the NCRF