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Greetings, MCRA Member!

Membership in this Association shall be open to individuals who subscribe to and support the purposes of the Association and who are skilled in the art of verbatim reporting of proceedings by the use of shorthand, manually or by machine, or by stenomask, and as further prescribed by the ByLaws.

There is a $5.00 processing fee for electronic transactions. This is factored into the displayed price. Click to register via the Online Registration Form.

If you wish to submit your registration via a physical form, please download and complete the Membership Form, and follow the instructions.

MCRA offers four levels of membership:

» Reporter: An official court, legislative or regulatory commission court reporter, any person who is engaged as a court reporter in the active practice of general reporting.

» Associate: A teacher of court reporting or anyone connected in an official capacity with a school or college conducting a court reporting course, or interested in the preservation, support and advancement of the field of court reporting, but not in any way actively engaged in the verbatim reporting or proceedings, not otherwise eligible for membership, may, upon application and approval by the Executive Board, become an Associate member. Such members need not meet the requirements for the skill in the art of verbatim reporting of proceedings by the use of shorthand symbol, steno mask, or voice writing.

» Student: A person enrolled in a school or college conducting a court reporting course, or studying privately under a Registered Professional Reporter (a designation of NCRA) shall be eligible for student membership in this Association.

» Retired Member: Please send an email to to be added to our Retired Member list.